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- R.K.L. (Ralph) So
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R.K.L. (Ralph) So
Intensive care, Kwaliteit & Veiligheid en vroege herkenning en behandeling vitaal bedreigde patiënt op verpleegafdeling.
- 1982 - 1984 Geneeskunde, Rijksuniversiteit Gent, België
- 1984 - 1991 Geneeskunde, Erasmus Rotterdam
- 1991 - 1994 Research fellow Afd. Experimentele Anesthesiologie, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. Project: Surfactant therapie bij volwassenen.
- 1994 - 1995 Afd SEH, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
- 1995 - 2000 Opleiding tot anesthesioloog, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. Incl. MMT (99-01)
- 2001 - 2002 Fellow Intensive Care, Afde Intensive Care, AMC/ UvA
- 2003 Europees Diploma Intensive Care Medicine (part 1. Basic & 2. Clinical)
- 2017 - 2019 Master Health Care Delivery Science (MHCDS) - Dartmouth College, Hangover, USA
- Juni 2001-heden (anesthesioloog-)intensivist in het Albert Schweitzer ziekenhuis (Asz)
- Juni 2009-heden medisch manager stafafdeling Kwaliteit, Veiligheid & Innovatie, Asz
“Everyone in healthcare really has two jobs when they come to work every day: to do their work and to improve it” [Batalden 2007].
Crew resource management training in the intensive care unit. A multisite controlled before-after study. Kemper PF, de Bruyne M, van Dyck C, So RKL, Tangkau P, Wagner C. BMJ Quality Safety, 3 February 2016
“Rapid Response Teams: van reactief naar proactief !?” RKL So. Anesthesiologie & IC Nascholingstijdschrift over perioperatieve geneeskunde 2016 vol.3; p.13-18
Patients' and providers' perceptions of the preventability of hospital readmission: a prospective, observational study in four European countries. van Galen LS, Brabrand M, Cooksley T, van de Ven PM, Merten H, So RKL, van Hooff L, Haak HR, Kidney RM, Nickel CH, Soong JT, Weichert I, Kramer MH, Subbe CP, Nanayakkara PW; Safer@home consortium. BMJ Qual Saf. 2017 Dec;26(12):958-969.
Different perspectives on predictability and preventability of surgical readmissions.
van Galen LS, Vedder D, Boeije T, Jansen W, Mullaart-Jansen NE, van der Peet DL, So RKL, Nanayakkara PWB. J Surg Res. 2018 Mar 8
The association of clinical frailty with outcomes of patients reviewed by rapid response teams: an international prospective observational cohort study. So RKL, Bannard-Smith J, Subbe CP, Jones DA, van Rosmalen J, Lighthall GK; METHOD study investigators. Crit Care. 2018 Sep 22;22(1):227.
Quality metrics for the evaluation of Rapid Response Systems: Proceedings from the third international consensus conference on Rapid Response Systems. Subbe CP, Bannard-Smith J, Bunch J, Champunot R, DeVita MA, Durham L, Edelson DP, Gonzalez I, Hancock C, Haniffa R, Hartin J, Haskell H, Hogan H, Jones DA, Kalkman CJ, Lighthall GK, Malycha J, Ni MZ, Phillips AV, Rubulotta F, So RKL, Welch J; International Society for Rapid Response Systems. Resuscitation. 2019 Aug;141:1-12.
Attitudes of Dutch intensive care unit clinicians towards oxygen therapy. C.C.A. Grim, on behalf of the members of the ATONIC study group: e.g. RKL. So, Albert Schweitzer Hospital, Dordrecht et al. The Netherlands Journal of Medicine july 2020, vol 78; no.4: 167-174
Clinical practices in the escalation of care for the deteriorating patient. A Multicenter study.J. Ludikhuize, MG. Dijkgraaf, DA Dongelmans, RKL So, E Korsten, J Schoonderbeek, B Kors, W Vermeijden, P Tangkau, D Tjan, DA. Jones, and C Kalkman. Netherlands Journal of Critical Care (2021 in press)